Conquer Caulerpa Charitable Trust
251E Rawhiti Road, RD4, Hikurangi, Northland 0184
Incorporation number: 50198738
NZBN: 9429051886714
Trustee Expressions of Interest
The Trust was registered in February 2024 with two interim trustees, representing the two mana whenua Hapū.
Expressions of interest are sought for three additional wider community Trustees.
If you are:
- Passionate about eradicating and stopping the spread of exotic caulerpa in the Bay of Islands
- Honest and trustworthy
- Community oriented
- A good communicator
- Able to work collaboratively
- Experienced in Trust responsibilities, marine life or maintaining healthy ecosystems
- Not precluded by law to be a Trustee or Company Director
Submit your Expression of Interest before 5.00pm on Friday 7 June 2024
Each EoI submitter will be contacted and may be asked to attend an interview in person or via zoom.
It is intended that all trustees will be appointed and registered with the Charities Register and the first full meeting of the Trust will be held within 3 weeks of Trustee registration.